
The COVID-CT Registry will examine whether COVID-19 infection in New York City results in more progression of plaque in coronary arteries. CAT scans of the heart’s arteries will be used to measure inflammation, narrowing of the arteries, and plaque (cholesterol deposits).

COVID-19 is rapidly becoming a leading cause of death with substantial evidence that pre-existing CAD increases risk of serious illness and mortality from COVID-19. We are enrolling patients with evidence of atherosclerotic plaque to see if COVID-19 infection accelerates progression of plaque in the coronary arteries. Importantly, a connection between COVID-19 and CAD will broadly impact preventive risk assessment for the million patients infected with COVID-19.

Our COVID-19 registry is poised to provide an improved mechanistic understanding of the role of viral infection on alterations in coronary atherosclerotic plaque.

Please contact us at or call 718-509-2776 for more information.

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